
Process monitor file access
Process monitor file access

process monitor file access process monitor file access process monitor file access

# Filter: out: registry, network, profiling, process # Get the procmon filter and inject our pid into it $csvTrace = $backingFile -replace '\.+$', '.csv' $passedArguments.Add( $arguments, $args ) Set-Variable -Name $arguments -Value $args -ErrorAction Stop $passedArguments = $index = $otherArgumentsStartIndex $index -lt $args.Count $index++ ) Throw "Process id $processId no longer exists" If( ! ( Get-Process -Id $processId -ErrorAction Silentl圜ontinue ) ) If( ! $theSession -or ! $theSession.Count ) $foundAt = $index - $searchBytes.Count + 1 If( $stringOffset -ge $searchBytes.Count ) If( $index -ge $offset -and $data -eq $searchBytes ) ]$searchBytes = $encoding.GetBytes( $searchFor )įor( $index = 0 $index -lt $data.Count -and $foundAt -lt 0 $index++ ) $backingFile = ( Join-Path $env:temp "controlup.sba.$pid.pml" ) Copy Script Copied to clipboard #requires -version 3.0

Process monitor file access